Tip of the day
"After a while, bricks are falling so fast it is impossible to handle them"
The time period for a single brick is decreasing but you can combine the time for many bricks by handling them simultaneously. For example, if the time for the single brick is 3 seconds, you will have 6 seconds when you click on the clock and request for the second brick before the previous one is frozen.
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TouchBricks video: See how the 6242 score was achieved and learn some TouchBricks tricks!
6242.mpg (4,8 MB)
(Note: the video is replayed in "fast forward" mode, the actual play time was about 10 minutes)
User's Manual
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for PalmOS
Unusual brick game, played with the stylus. New rules, new strategies, more fun!
(The name was changed because of the TETRIS® trademark issue. Phew...)
17-Jun-2004: TouchBricks rated by PocketGoddess
22-Mar-2004: v1.2 released!
Changes since 1.1
- Sound effects
- More locations and orientations are considered when placing a new brick. This fixes the "sudden death" problem - "game over" could happen because of single floating brick at the top of the screen. It also makes the game slightly easier.
- Replay speed can be adjusted
- You can choose which recordings will be uploaded before starting the synchronization procedure
- The play time can be displayed on the Hall of Fame
- Better skin support (skin can use other skin's resources)
- Fixed the recording error (recording could be rejected if another application was launched during the game)
(Full version history)
Download the trial version
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(updated every 5 minutes)
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Game analysis - Improve your playing strategy and crush your competitors!
(Now included in the Hall of Fame - just click on the player's name to see the analysis. Use this link to search for your score).
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TouchBricks websync
Click here for more information about websync
Skin template
for creating custom TouchBricks skins
Download skin-template.zip (41K)
Read about the TouchBricks skin development